Polyclinic Hours and Priority
21 Ekim 2019

Polyclinic Examination Hours;

08:30 - 12:00
13: 00-16: 20

Between Hours.

Emergency Service is available 24/7 in our hospital.

The priority order of the polyclinic examination determined in Circular 2017/10 was changed as follows:

-> Emergency cases,
-> Disabled patients,
-> Pregnant women,
-> TSK, J.Gn.K. and S.G.K. rank personnel in service,
-> Widows and orphans of war and duty martyrs, disabled and veterans and their families,
-> Patients over 65 years,
-> Children under 7 (Seven) years,
-> Personnel of the rank of TSK, J.Gn.K. and S.G.K., and their dependents, primarily those coming from outside the garrison,
-> Retired TSK, J.Gn.K.lig. and S.G.K.lig rank staff and dependents,