School of Diabetes

What is Diabetes?
Diabetes; is an important public health problem which causes death and disability at an early age and affects quality of life negatively. It requires lifelong monitoring and treatment. Diabetes is increasing in developed and developing countries. Today, there is a global epidemic of diabetes. In our country, diabetes is increasing rapidly. Factors such as population growth, prolongation of life, urbanization, lifestyle changes (unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity) play a role in the rapid increase of diabetes.

Diabetes School
Conducted by the Ministry of Health "Turkey Diabetes Prevention and Control Program" was designed to standardize diabetes diabetes schools under the name of patient education. In this context, ‘Diabetes School yönelik was opened in our hospital for individuals with diabetes and their relatives.

Our aim is to enable our people with diabetes to interact and to become aware of the disease. One of the treatment components of diabetes is education. Therefore, it is recommended that all people with diabetes receive education.

Patients who want to participate in our trainings and receive information; You can contact Diabetes Education Nurses at 0 452 234 32 32/2157 of our hospital.