Palliative Care Unit

In 2015, the building, which we used as a civil service, was renovated and organized as a 15-bed Palliative Care Center.

Eliminate the symptoms of chronic illness such as Palliative Care, Cancer, Heart Failure, Alzheimer's, Dementia, Kidney Failure,
aims to support the nutrition of the patient whose nutrition is impaired due to chronic illness and to improve the quality of life of the patient and his / her relatives.

Palliative care is a form of care that focuses on eliminating the pain of the patient and improving the quality of life rather than increasing the life expectancy.
It is also known as “supportive care”. Palliative care refers to care that focuses on reducing pain and distress.
It is an approach that aims to improve the quality of life and to prevent and alleviate pain through meeting physical, psychosocial and spiritual needs.

Diseases that require palliative care?

Cancer, Motor Neuron Diseases (Alzheimer's, ALS, MS, Musculer Dystrophy, Parkinson's Disease, Stroke), Advanced Organ Failures (Heart, Lung, Kidney, Liver),
Genetic Progressive Diseases in Children, Patients with home care problems such as pain, nutrition, bed sores and diseases to be sent home from intensive care unit

• Patients' pain, nausea, vomiting, fatigue and other complaints are resolved.
• Nutritional support is provided.
• Breathing is relieved.
• Psychological and social support is provided to patients and their relatives.
• Patient comfort and care is provided.
• The patient and his family are trained.
• Functional status of the patient is increased.

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